PLAYM8 Marking Feet Spots 6 Pack
- Made from soft vinyl that lies flat and sticks.
- Non-slip marking spots.
- Develop directional pathways to follow.
- 6 x Feet Spots (one of each colour - Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Purple and Orange).
- Made from soft vinyl that lies flat and sticks to clean floors for safety.
- Non-slip marking spots.
- PLAYM8 marking feet will fit into the cut outs allowing games involving colour recognition and left and right to be played.
Customer Reviews for PLAYM8 Marking Feet Spots 6 Pack
4 out of 5 Ankle activator
Newitts Verified Purchase (3 Jan 2015)
I used these feet spots in my chair based exercise classes for elderly people who are unable to do standing exercises. The idea is to give them a pair of feet spots each and get them to do heal toe exercises within the cut out. It' a fun way to loosen up their ankle joints.