Top quality Sure Shot Tchoukballs.
Size 2 Sure Shot Tchoukballs.
Size 3 Sure Shot Tchoukballs.
Tchoukball was developed in the 1970's by Swiss biologist Dr Hermann Brandt. Dr Brandt was concerned about the number of injuries in sport. He decided to create a sport that reduced injuries and allowed anyone to play. Tchoukball is played inside on a court. At both ends of the court there is a trampoline like structure for the ball to bounce off. The structure is one square metre and has a D-shaped forbidden zone measuring three metres.
Each team can score on both ends of the court, and a team has 12 players, of whom 7 may be on the court at any one time. In order to score, the ball must be thrown by an attacking player, hit the frame and bounce outside the 'D' without being caught by the defending team.
No physical contact is allowed and defenders must not intercept the attacking team's passes. Players may take three steps with the ball, hold the ball for a maximum of three seconds, and teams may not pass the ball more than three times before shooting at the frame.